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Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Soongsil University is the only department in Korea, which has both
an statistics tract that develops data analysis capabilities which are core competencies of the future society and
an actuarial science track that maximizes the synergy between statistics and actuarial science.

통계 분석과 BI(Business Intelligence) 관련 인증 자격증 안내
date ㅣ 2021.11.23 views ㅣ 679

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통계 분석과 BI 관련 자격증 안내입니다. 아직 국내에서는 생소한 자격증이지만, 참고하시기를 바랍니다.

자세한 사항은 위 사이트 참조하세요.

1) Google’s Certifications

2) SAS Certifications

3) IBM SPSS Statistics Certification
4) Microsoft SQL Server

5) TDWI Certification

6) IBM

7) IBM Cognos Certifications

8) MicroStrategy

9) Oracle

10) SAP Certifications

11) Cloudera’s Hadoop Certification