Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Soongsil University is the only department in Korea, which has both
an statistics tract that develops data analysis capabilities which are core competencies of the future society and
an actuarial science track that maximizes the synergy between statistics and actuarial science.

[2016. 06. 09] SAS KOREA 학과 세미나
Date ㅣ 2021.11.18 View ㅣ 933

​SAS KOREA 학과 세미나

· 일정: 6월 9일 목요일 오후 4시 30분 ~ 6시10분

· 장소: 베어드홀 517호

· 내용: SAS Bigdata 분석 VA Tool 소개 40분 ,실습 40분 (자료분석 예제로 분석 데모)

· 담당: 고준형 이사 (SAS Korea 이사)