Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Soongsil University is the only department in Korea, which has both
an statistics tract that develops data analysis capabilities which are core competencies of the future society and
an actuarial science track that maximizes the synergy between statistics and actuarial science.

[2023. 02. 06] 학과 세미나 안내
Date ㅣ 2023.01.30 View ㅣ 753

자연과학 연구소 전문가 초청 세미나

일시: 2023년 2월 6일 11:00~12:30
장소: 베어드홀 513호
연사: 한양대학교 보험계리학과 장철 교수
발표제목: Lifetime Investment and Annuitization Decisions using Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming
